WEEKEND #12, 2005

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


Rehoboth Beach election results are in!

Candidates and supporters braved a 93-degree high and 97-percent humidity during Saturday's election (left) to help rally last-minute support. Mayoral contender Bob Sokolove anxiously watches election judges count the vote just after 6 p.m. (right) .








After weeks of campaigning, Rehoboth watchers gather for the results (bottom left).

Bill Shields, Mayor Sam Cooper, his wife (right) listen as the results are read by Wayne Steele, the chief election judge.








Cooper retains his position as mayor; Barbour and Paterson assume the two open commissioner seats. The final score:

Check for more news and pictures on the Rehoboth Beach Homeowners' Association Webpage.

SUV towed from Queen Street Lifeguard Parking

This Jeep was removed from a lifeguard parking space on Queen Street Saturday afternoon. The police officer expressed concern over the radio regarding the space which he indicated was poorly marked. He said the LIFEGUARD PARKING ONLY sign appears over the first space with arrows pointing downward. But there is no dividing line to correspond with an arrow for what would be a second space.