WEEKEND #2, 2024
June 3, 2024
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
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A persistent and vocal group of about 45 Free Palestine protesters pursued the President to his normally peaceful mass at Saint Edmond's Catholic Church in downtown Rehoboth this past Saturday.
Follow this link for the protest video posted on YouTube.
Reverend Cathy Rion Starr, a Unitarian Universalist minister and protester representative, said they are a group of Delawareans here to protest "because Biden should have no peace at the beach until Gazans have peace at their beach and he has blood on his hands. He could stop this war right now. He could stop this genocide right now. 36,000 is too many!"
The group included plenty of children, and mothers with strollers, which was probably part of the strategy.
De Actions 4 Palestine had promoted the event on its Instagram page. About half of the group arrived at the church before the President. They were already chanting when his motorcade arrived shortly after 4 p.m.
More protesters came on foot and bike after they roamed through parts of North Shores, Henlopen Acres and Rehoboth. Officials allowed the protesters to stand across from the church in front of the American Legion where they chanted for the entire service, and then some.
Police had to step in when counter-protesters began chanting and yelling and nearly getting into fights with the Free Palestine group. They also had to keep the protesters at bay as they kept trying to push the line toward the end of the service as Biden was about to depart.
One Jewish woman who identified herself only as "Sue," said she was heartbroken… The protesters "told me 50 people died and they named people and I said, yes, and I've lost people too."
"I said, that's all I wanted to say because it's about humanity and what we've lost and I'm just sorry she shook her head. And then she said it was more about the people who are making decisions. And I said, that's, yeah, we don't have control over that, but we can be kind to each other. And I told her my name and she told me her name and I said, just be safe. It was good. I didn't change anything, but it was good," she added.
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It was a challenging week tracking the Bidens, even for experienced watchers.
The First Couple arrived around 9:45 a.m. Thursday via helicopter from Wilmington. Hunter came as well. They landed at Gordon's Pond and took this 15-vehicle motorcade around the corner to the Biden beach house.
You could tell something was up because the Coast Guard Cutter Angela McShaw was anchored right off Gordon's Pond and remained there through Sunday evening's departure.
Photo courtesy Richard Tananis
This is where it gets confusing. On Friday, after 9 a.m., the President left town in this 19-vehicle motorcade headed to Dover AFB where he flew to Joint Base Andrews and headed to the White House to meet with the Belgium prime minister and the Kansas City Chiefs. He hopped back on Marine One and was back at Gordon's Pond around 7 p.m. Hunter was also reported exiting the helicopter holding his son, Beau.
Photo courtesy Mark Giuliani, The Talk of Delmarva.com
Meanwhile, on Friday and Saturday, the First Lady traveled to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. She rejoined the President at their beach house early Saturday evening.
The First Couple flew to Wilmington from Gordon's Pond Sunday evening.
Welcome to The Starboard!
The deadline to file is today at 4:30 p.m.
Commissioners Tim Bennett and Toni Sharp said this past weekend that they will not be seeking re-election.
As of Friday, Suzanne Goode, Mark Saunders and Craig Their have filed to run for one of those two seats.
Goode is getting started early with a June 12 meet-and-greet on Oak Avenue. Please contact her for info. Saunders says he is waiting till later in June before announcing any events.
Attempts to contact Their have been unsuccessful.
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At a ceremony Saturday morning, elected officials and members of the community came together to recognize LGBTQ Pride Month with the raising of the pride flag at city hall followed by a ribbon-cutting for the new rainbow crosswalks at 2nd Street and Baltimore Avenue.
Appropriately, Murray Archibald, who co-founded CAMP Rehoboth with the late Steve Elkins, cut the ribbon for the crosswalks.
"The idea for the crosswalks was brought up many times during meetings of the Wilmington-Baltimore Avenue Streetscape Task Force about three years ago, relative to possible enhancements to Baltimore Avenue," says Lynne Coan, city spokeswoman. "Commissioner Patrick Gossett and Mayor Stan Mills have championed the painting of the crosswalks for this summer. Representatives from CAMP Rehoboth and Rehoboth Beach Main Street assisted on color layout to reflect the 10 colors of the LGBTQ+ flag. The city paid for this project from its general operating fund. First Street will be done next week," Coan added.
Dick Byrne, Rehoboth Beach Main Street Board president, said at the ribbon-cutting that he had the "bittersweet opportunity on November 16, 2018 to introduce legislation to name the area behind us 'Steve Elkins Way.' But it was so much more than legislation; it was a tribute to the important work of Steve Elkins."
"And at that time I brought up the idea of the rainbow stripes across the avenue," Byrne continued," and was told by the powers that were then 'no, not possible,' and here we are today!"
"I walk this path several times every week always thinking of Steve and Murray and CAMP and how important their work has been and is to having a successful and vibrant and welcoming community. Main Street is a partner in achieving that goal, one of many partners, because it takes a village," Byrne said.
"For me, Elkins Way and now the rainbow stripes bring the heart and soul of our community together," he added, "this is so much more than colorful stripes on the pavement, but symbolic of our history, our identity and who we strive to be as a community."
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Coffee with the City Manager Event Scheduled
for Wednesday.
"The thing that I love about local government is that you really can see that impact on a daily basis of the work that we do. So whether that's a park bench that's freshly painted, or the landscaping that's really well kept, that all adds up," says Taylour Tedder, Rehoboth's new city manager.
Tedder began as the Rehoboth Beach city manager on May 15. On Wednesday, you can share some coffee and conversation with him during a "meet the city manager" coffee from 9 to 10 a.m. in the third-floor training room at city hall.
Tedder, who comes to Rehoboth Beach from Boulder City, Nevada, where he was also the city manager, has several priorities in mind as he settles into his new position. That includes a strategic plan, where the city would set clear goals and deliverables for city employees based on set policies and priorities, identifying additional revenue sources, creating efficiencies and savings, and studying departmental structures to see how and where best to utilize employees.
"I am looking to increase communication and transparency with residents, business owners and visitors. I have prior experience in instilling a customer service excellence culture, so it's making sure that we're taking care of everyone that needs assistance from the city in a positive manner," Tedder says. "So I want to make sure that we are delivering the highest level of service possible to people," he adds.
He is looking forward to the "coffee with the city manager" event this coming Wednesday. "I love meeting residents and they care about the community because I want to do the best job possible and I do want to be here a long time. So I want to form the relationships and make sure that I'm addressing the community's needs as well as the city commission's priorities," he stated.
Why did he pick Rehoboth Beach? "I really do love the beach. That's definitely a huge selling point. But the other thing about Rehoboth Beach is it does feel like a small community and while it is a small community, it gets large with the visitors but you still have that small town feel and so I enjoy that," he points out.
He also wanted to be in the east because he likes the climate and the general area, and the humidity too! "Some people don't like that, but I do… After three years in the Mojave Desert, it feels great," he adds.
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This was a challenging keyfob recovery, even for the experienced Rehoboth Beach public works personnel who do this frequently.
On the left is Rychard Jamison who was visiting from Syracuse, New York. "I put my key [fob] on the top of my car just to make sure I had everything and it dropped down the drain," he explained. To make matters worse, his Mazda's rear tire was on top of that storm drain!
He was still able to get inside his car, but without the keyfob, he was unable to put the car in neutral so they could roll it off the grate. Luckily for Jamison, one of the public works employees had a nephew who works for Coastal Towing and gave them some good advice. "He told him how to pop open a cover near my shifter and put a flathead screwdriver in and put it in neutral. Figured it out, good," Jamison said!
Once they got that trick, they rolled the Mazda, popped the grate and rescued the fob!
"So I saved some money," Jamison said, "and didn't have to pay anything!"
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A look inside: Delaware Beach Life July 2023 issue
Angelica "Gel" Clemmer is celebrating 10 years of living off her art. "It's been a rollercoaster, financially," she says, "but I survived." This is her third year here on 2nd Street between Rehoboth and Wilmington Avenues and her fourth location in the Rehoboth-Dewey area! You won't find jewelry or trinkets in this gallery, just fine art.
Her shop -- Gel Z Art and Surf -- is part art gallery, part studio. One of her talents is stained glass artwork. Visitors can come and watch as she cuts and solders a stained-glass art piece, a recent commission.
In her gallery visitors will find some of her acrylic paintings, and works from other artists including her father, Gañizú, who is a painter; Amanda Pace, who comes from Dewey originally but is in the Bahamas constructing mosaics with local tiles; Jeff Kibler, an oil painter and Washingtonian who summers in Rehoboth; Bonnie Preziosi, who is known for her surf art, and Coca Silveira, another painter.
Lifeguards with Flags by Lucy Jones ...
Delaware Seashore State Park (prior to the influx of vacationers) by Susan Howard ...
Rehoboth Bunny (they're all over town) by Alan Henney ...
Photography contests: Delaware Beach Life, Rehoboth Reflections, Ocean Photo, Delaware Farm Bureau
THE MERR REPORT--- Suzanne Thurman from the MERR Institute says May 25 to June 1 was quiet, but MERR had a few dolphin strandings the previous week, May 17-24. "We responded to two calves and an adult, all deceased," she said. The calves were found in Bethany Beach and the adult was up near Big Stone Beach and washed back up at Bennett's Pier. That brings MERR's total of bottlenose dolphin strandings to six so far this year. MERR's World Ocean Day is June 8.
POLICE CHASE VEHICLE 100+ M.P.H. UP COASTAL HWY--- Several police agencies got involved when an auto fled police on Coastal Highway in Fenwick at points in excess of 100 m.p.h. around 11:45 p.m. Friday. As the vehicle approached Dewey, police were alerted to clear the roadway of pedestrians. But officers were able to get the auto to stop before reaching Dewey, taking three into custody.
SUSPICIOUS DEATH IN LONG NECK--- State troopers are investigating after a man was found dead in Rehoboth Shores. First responders were summoned to Red Wing Lane around 10:35 p.m. Sunday. An adult male was pronounced dead at the scene. A second male was injured. If this is determined to have been a homicide, it would be the second in Sussex County this past weekend. The other homicide was south of Ellendale around 11:45 p.m. Saturday.
Automatically move Gmail messages from Promotions to Primary tab
Ørsted agrees to pay $125M settlement to cancel New Jersey wind farms
BOEM releases final environmental statement on first NJ offshore wind farms
AG rules ACT is public body, violated FOIA
Delaware Energy Solutions Act passes in Senate
7 trendy coffee shops to visit at the Delaware beaches
Hit these trails for great hiking at the Delaware beaches
Milton public arts program to resume in summer
Milton Pride Mardi Gras-themed celebration set June 8
Milton Arts Guild to host Reflections artist reception June 9
Milton woman wins federal suit over vanity license plate
State police investigating two-vehicle fatal crash near Milton
University of Delaware's Lewes campus offering guided tours
Lewes BPW seeks additional state funding for pipe replacement
Sculpture removed from Lewes park
Incredible details on water rescue from April off Cape Henlopen
D-Day ceremony planned at Fort Miles on June 8
Rehoboth sees increase in spring demo notices
Dewey traffic stop leads to arrest for DUI and weapons violations
Dewey Beach faces annual 'Junebug' problem
Dewey amends code regarding personal-use marijuana
Dewey Nalu expansion request sent to planning commission
DelDOT answers questions about safety in North Bethany
Fenwick Island mayor raises transparency concerns over coastal town negotiations with US Wind
Ocean City trams debut paid digital ads
Ocean City police helping beach guards on ATVs this summer
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