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WEEKEND #07, 2014
(Independence Day Weekend)
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
As predicted, Hurricane Arthur passed Delaware around 2 p.m. Friday about 145 miles east of the coast.
Friday morning was damp, cool and windy, but that did not discourage Kathy McGuiness, chair of the Rehoboth Beach Main Street fireworks committee, and her colleagues from continuing the plan to have fireworks on July 4th.
Visitors were not discouraged either, as they came by the thousands later in the day. These marvelous photos by Sam Markman show the beach crowds with the spectacular show.
Guillermo Silveira calls the below a "self portrait."
Visitors in Rehoboth were surprised and intrigued by the state police mounted patrol which arrived early for the fireworks. The mounted patrol first debuted at the Delaware State Fair two years ago. See this Newszap article for details.
More info about the Delaware State Police Mounted Patrol Unit is on Facebook.
Officials closed the beach and ocean in Rehoboth Friday morning as waves pounded the shore. These waves were photographed by Liz Lehmann of Rehoboth Beach Fever.
Around 12:30 p.m., beach goers in Rehoboth were allowed on the beach and later in the day, lifeguards let them in the ocean, but only to about knee deep.
The scene in Bethany Beach was similar. Andrew Koch, former WGMD reporter, shot this photo around noon Friday from the dune crossing at the end of Garfield Parkway. He said the red flags were up on the lifeguard stands, and there was standing water on the beach two-thirds of the way up to the dune. Many people came to the beach to see the waves.
There was some flooding, along with leaves and fallen branches. This was among the largest in town from Oak Avenue at 2nd Street.
On July 4, the Rehoboth Beach DEOS weather station reported about two inches of rain with the strongest wind gust at 9:40 a.m. of 25 m.p.h.
Come see all Rehoboth has to offer ...
The threat of Hurricane Arthur could not stop the fireworks or discourage the crowds that came with it. Visitors were encouraged to park in the lots just north of Rehoboth along the beach at Deauville and Gordons Pond.
After the fireworks, motorists packed the streets in north Rehoboth, mostly the diagonals such as Henlopen, Columbia and Lake avenues. They were close to gridlock as officials struggled to merge traffic from the three streets around the circle and out of town.
But even the following day, July 5, traffic crawled along Rehoboth Avenue. This is the second block. The light is green and the traffic was blocking 2nd Street.
Several illegally parked cars were towed, while other people fought over parking spaces. Police were called to a parking space near Browseabout around 4:30 p.m. Saturday after a man called police claiming a motorist was trying to drive him over while he was trying to save the space (which is prohibited in Rehoboth Beach).
Bicycle was a popular mode of transport. Almost 30 bikes packed this rack on Baltimore Avenue on the afternoon of July 4.
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Police say Kenneth Hunt 2nd, 24, of Dover, was killed when he crashed his 2004 Kawasaki ZX6 motorcycle at high speed into the rear of a 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck. Both vehicles were traveling on the southbound lanes around 1:40 a.m. Sunday.
Witnesses said they heard the high-pitched motorcycle engine approach the intersection of Coastal Highway and Old Landing Road. That is where they reported hearing an impact and the Kawasaki slide across the roadway toward Atlantic Liquors and burst into flames.
Despite the efforts of bystanders, state troopers and eventually firefighters, it took more than 10 minutes before the flames could be extinguished. Hunt was pronounced dead at the scene.
Police say for unknown reasons, Hunt failed to see the Dodge Ram, which pulled off the roadway into the parking lot of MC Nails after the collision.
Coastal Highway southbound at Old Landing Road was closed for about three hours as the crash was investigated and cleared.
Police say the investigation is continuing into this incident.
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A 1978 Cessna 152 made an emergency landing just before 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on the beach in the restricted piping plover nesting area.
DNREC Chief Wayne Kline of Parks Enforcement said the couple in the plane had been flying along the coast from Ocean City, Maryland to Georgetown, Delaware. When the male pilot reached the Point, he turned inland. That is when the plane experienced engine trouble and landed in the piping plover restricted area. There were no injuries.
The airplane was removed the following day. FAA spokesman Jim Peters from New York said the FAA inspectors spoke with the pilot and determined this was an aviation incident, not a crash. He said there was minimal damage. No NTSB investigation would take place. See this DNREC news release for more. The N-tail number registration is N89432.
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Zorana Grdjic said she did not know what to do when her kitten, Tikibear, had crawled up under the console of her Fiat and became stuck. She had just gotten gas on Coastal Highway when the cat got out of its carrier and found its way under the dash.
She fosters homeless animals and Tikibear was a rescued kitten she had gotten from BARCS. The other two kittens from the same litter did not survive.
Grdjic returned to her home in the Camelot Community outside Rehoboth where neighbors came to assist.
But they could not reach the kitten. So, around 9:20 p.m., she called for help from the Rehoboth Beach fire department.
She said the 9-1-1 operator told her that they did not know if the fire department would handle something like this and if they did, it would probably involve dismantling her car. She said that was ok with her.
Rehoboth Beach firefighters arrived and rescued the kitten minutes later. "I am very thankful" she said about her neighbors and the firefighters. They "did it," and did "an excellent job."
Rehoboth Beach police and lifeguards became concerned when a Toyota Tacoma pickup was spotted driving on the boardwalk at Queen Street to the beach access and then out on the beach where it became stuck in the sand around 1:10 p.m. Saturday.
Lt. William Sullivan, Rehoboth Beach police spokesman, says the driver, Micaela O'Toole, told officers that as a child her family used to drive her on the beach at a dune crossing and drive to a private beach. He said police assumed she meant the state beach out of town.
She told officers she mistakenly thought the pedestrian dune crossing at Queen Street was that location. After navigating her Toyota Tacoma down the dune crossing she hit the beach and attempted to turn right.
Lt. Sullivan said officers charged her with city charges for Driving on a Sidewalk (§ 92-121), Operating a Vehicle on the Beach (§ 92-103), Unregistered Motor Vehicle (§ 92-237), and No Proof of Insurance (§ 92-237.4).
After letting air out of her tires to get better traction, she was allowed to drive off the beach at Prospect Street. There did not appear to be any damage to the beach, boardwalk or crossing, and the beach was not especially crowded in the area so there was no endangering charges, Lt. Sullivan added.
He also noted that she did not appear to be setting up a concession, although she had a cooler in the back of the truck along with a white board with prices on it for water, etc.
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During the end of June, a DelDOT crew power washed the grates on the Rehoboth Beach drawbridge.
This bridge washing accomplishes several things, says Robert King, DelDOT spokesman.
It is useful because it washes away salt used to prevent winter ice, along with dirt, bird dung and other debris.
This helps to preserve the bridge, he said and allows spot-painting to help further preserve the steel structure. "A clean structure improves the bridge inspection."
"All this helps keep the structure operational. With this cleaning the primary emergency egress for fire and ambulance is maintained to the highest level by insuring the structure remains operational. This may appear as a minor effort, but over time would jeopardize the bridge operation and therefore negatively impact public safety. We take great pride in maintaining our assets and supporting public safety for all," he added.
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Seth Bratten, better known as "Seth Da Highway Dancer," has his latest gig advertising the new America's Golf Outlet shop in the Tanger Seaside Outlets outside Rehoboth.
You will find him now on Facebook and Youtube and read more about him in this article by Ron MacArthur.
A fascinating photography exhibition, The Art of illumination, by Leslie Sinclair is on display in the gallery at CAMP Rehoboth.
Her photography is not simply a photo. There is a complex process she uses to create her images.
The process, she calls "light painting," starts with multiple time exposures of a single scene which she shoots in the dark.
She typically shoots eight to 10 exposures of 15-20 seconds each.
She uses lighting that targets specific elements within each scene for each of the time exposures.
Then using masks within Photoshop, she "paints in" areas she wants to expose.
The images are finally infused on a sheet of aluminum which is more permanent than photo paper and there is no need for a glass cover.
Here she is with her works, Subdued Still and Luminous Life.
Her prices are so affordable. You can see 15 of her artworks at CAMP Rehoboth through Aug. 4 or on her website.
Gallery 50 hosted the 6th Annual Fine Art Silent Auction for AIDS of Delaware along with an opening for Jason Wright's new exhibition, Vessels.
Sinclair and Wright, both incredible artists, have similarities in the processes they use to create their artwork using computers, but they are also much different.
Wright's exhibition is about the beauty of isolation; beached and floating on one's own.
He starts by creating a pastel or watercolor painting. He then takes an image of that work into a computer using one of various computer-aided design software packages.
That is where he gives the objects in his works the hard-edge with precise lines, horizons and perspectives and makes a print of that work.
He then paints that artwork in layers, starting with the whites first.
Wright uses a palette knife and custom-makes his powder pigment colors.
He works on multiple images at the same time. He says it takes about a month to paint and another month to dry.
Behind Wright is his work, The World is Yours, one of his favorites from this exhibition. It is acrylic and oil on panel.
His exhibition at Gallery 50 runs through July 22.
You can help children like Nicholas Brady, below, to use the Internet to connect with his friends and family.
KINFolk is a unique local organization that provides laptop computers and Internet access to children who are hospitalized or homebound. KINFolk helps keep them connected to those who love and support them at a time when they need it most.
KINFolk's 9th Annual Wine Tasting & Art Auction is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Cordrey Center at 30366 Cordrey Road in Millsboro. Admission is $30.
Artists who have donated artwork in past years include Abraxas, Kevin Fleming, Anne Hanna, Betty Showell, Ellen Rice, Ed Cook, Ruth Valva, Elaine Simmerman, Marvin Carney and Marjorie Weiss to name a few.
As you browse the silent auction items, there will be a selection of wines chosen by Teller Wines and food from many of the area's best known restaurants.
Contact Kathy McNamara at 302-645-6971 for information, tickets or sponsorship opportunities or www.KINfolkKids.org.
Photo courtesy Kathy McNamara
At least one gang of three to five raccoons has been roaming around north Rehoboth almost oblivious to people.
Around 8:30 p.m. Saturday, a woman called police after spotting several of them in the backyard in close proximity to people.
Police checked them out, but none appeared to be sick. This critter was on a deck with two others in the Pines Thursday night.
JEEP BURNS ON BEACH, SMOKE VISIBLE FOR MILES--- When a Jeep caught fire on the beach in the Cape Henlopen State Park this past Tuesday, smoke was visible from Rehoboth. The fire was reported around 12:35 p.m. near Herring Point. The Jeep continued to burn while firefighters struggled to reach the vehicle on the beach. There were no injuries and the Jeep had to be removed by a tow truck once it was hoisted to the roadway.
Boats and volunteers sought for Inland Bays Cleanup on July 12
Delaware beaches again land distinction as No. 1 in nation
Applications decline for seasonal police officers
CG training center hosts "Perfect Storm" presentation
Hurricane Arthur's widest effects were hazardous rip currents
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