WEEKEND #10, 2024
July 29, 2024
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
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The city's four commissioner candidates are in the final stretch of campaign season. Jan Konesey and Carole Ellison hosted a meet-and-greet for Mark Saunders and Craig Thier at the Konesey residence in the Pines this past Saturday. Howard Menaker was the emcee. Comm. Patrick Gossett attended along with former Comm. Tim Bennett.
Topics discussed included the loss of Deauville, development, planning, CDP, budgets, plans and forecasts, swimming pools, McMansions and LLCs.
Also in the Pines, Rachel Macha went door-to-door. Here she is on 3rd Street. Macha is inviting voters to join her for her last coffee at The Coffee Mill on Rehoboth Avenue on August 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
This Friday, August 2, Macha has a "Rachel for Rehoboth Rally" at Aqua from 4 to 6 p.m.
Suzanne Goode is meeting each Monday at 3 p.m. until election day with voters at the Rehoboth Avenue Starbucks. Please contact her for info.
Video from the July 2024 Rehoboth Beach Homeowners' Association candidate forum is now online. Candidate bios/statements are on the RBHA website. The Rehoboth Beach municipal election will be held on Saturday, August 10. See additional important info on the city's website and Chris Flood's Cape Gazette article.
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When historians look back at presidential administrations, especially at their beach retreats, the Rehoboth Beach Public Library will have played a significant role in sharing that history.
The library's meeting room and balcony had been the go-to place for the news crews whenever President Joe Biden would visit town. With his announcement that he was not going to seek re-election, the number of news crews in town multiplied, forcing some to resort to other creative locations such as handicapped parking spots, city parks, hotel balconies and the bandstand!
Whenever the President comes to town, Lauren McCauley, library director, says the library meeting room and balcony are used by all of the big networks including NBC, CNN, Fox, CBS and ABC. The individual networks share the space and determine who gets to use it and when, she added.
The news crews are permitted to use that room provided there are no previously scheduled library events happening at that time, McCauley pointed out. Here's more on that from the Cape Gazette.
The library allows them to use the space provided the group as a whole pays the standard hourly fee for the meeting room and the flat fee for the balcony. The networks are each supposed to pay a share of that total fee to the library.
They are also charged an 'after hours' fee, she says, anytime the space is used when the library would normally be closed since it requires an employee to be present.
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Delaware troopers are investigating after multiple reports were received from Tidemark Federal Credit Union customers after funds were withdrawn from their accounts via numerous ATM transactions.
Police began receiving the reports the previous Sunday, July 21. That's when investigators found the ATMs at multiple Tidemark branches in 'admin mode.' Transaction receipts were discovered at some locations suggesting that the bandits were stealing cash using different customers' account numbers and PINs.
This note was later attached to one of those ATMs. This one is on Coastal Highway near Lewes.
Not all attempts were successful, but the thieves got away with a large sum, in the thousands of dollars, according to one source. Officials are not saying how much and Tidemark has not responded to a request for comment.
"Detectives advised that every Tidemark location in Sussex County was hit," says Cpl. Lewis Briggs, Delaware State Police spokesman.
"Financial crimes detectives continue to investigate these incidents," he said. "The number of accounts affected is still being determined by Tidemark FCU. Members who believe their accounts have been affected should contact Tidemark directly," he added.
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The Rehoboth Beach Patrol is proud to announce sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 RBP USLA National Lifeguard Championship Team. The 2024 United States Lifesaving Association National Lifeguard Championships are being held in South Padre Island, Texas from August 6 to 9. The Rehoboth Beach Patrol will be sending 13 guards to represent the City of Rehoboth Beach. Your generous sponsorship will help offset the expenses of sending this team to the 2024 USLA National Lifeguard Championships.
The Rehoboth Beach Patrol competes at the USLA National Lifeguard Championships with the Sussex County Lifesaving Association. The SCLA is made up of state, municipal, and private beach communities along the Delaware coast. The SCLA placed 2nd in 2021 (South Padre Island, Texas), 3rd in 2022 (Hermosa Beach, California) and 2nd in 2023 (Virginia Beach, Virginia) at those USLA National Lifeguard Championships.
Please use this GoFundMe to contribute.
Photos courtesy RBP
Welcome to The Starboard!
Last summer the Ocean City Beach Patrol had the fewest number of stands ever on the beach in its history. OCBP Capt. Butch Arbin says the problem had been that the town's pay was not competitive enough which led to a lifeguard shortage.
During "Labor Day weekend last year we had 34 stands on the beach," he pointed out. "We had over 400 rescues. There were drownings in Delaware, in New York, in New Jersey, in Virginia, in North Carolina. We didn't have any but [OC had] 400 rescues with only 34 stands on the beach. Two of our people were taken away by ambulance for exhaustion. It was ridiculous," he added.
"We were lucky" and that's what he told town officials. "I said we should be safe by design, not by luck. Last year, we were safe by luck and that's not good." After he met last August with the city manager and emergency services director, he says the mayor and city council came through with more support for the OCBP.
Now that the town pays lifeguards $20 per hour and $30 an hour for overtime, this season the staffing has improved significantly. He anticipates having all 90 stands staffed through Labor Day. He had 173 employees in 2023 and now has 215 this season.
The town now also offers a $500 signing bonus, and every guard who returns as a surf rescue technician (SRT) gets $500. Other incentives include an additional $140 toward travel plus $1 an hour extra after a certain date. Anybody who works past Labor Day will receive a $250 bonus. Ocean City also offers a housing stipend and sponsors a program where the city pays rent for some guards who require a large initial deposit. Then that rent payment the city made is deducted from the employee's pay throughout the summer.
"So right now," Capt. Arbin points out, "we have the best pay and incentive package on all of Delmarva."
Part of the problem, he says, has been that fewer of the 18- to 22-year-olds who most beach patrols hire are less physically fit these days with schools cutting back on physical education programs. Kids are more interested in other distractions such as social media rather than physical activities. So the number of candidates who can pass the OCBP physical tests has decreased. "If you're going to fish in a pond with everybody else [all the other beach patrols], you get the best bait and now we have the best bait," Capt. Arbin says.
Ocean City guards who are not American college students are frequently teachers, career firefighters and foreign students from Canada.
The reason he has hired so many Canadians is because they can drive to York, Pennsylvania, where OCBP holds a test, take the test, and drive back to Canada. He hopes to continue to recruit more foreign students noting that the Europeans can try out for the patrol while in town this summer and the city will provide all necessary training and certifications next season. The town even pays $20 an hour during the eight-day training academy. They will be testing on August 10. Details are on the OCBP website.
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by David Koster, Portraits
in the Sand
The Spotted Lanternfly invasion has begun in Rehoboth. I spotted a few of these jumping newly molted 4th instar nymph of the Spotted Lanternflies on my property and contacted the Sussex County Master Gardener Garden Helpline with the Delaware Co-op. I then went ahead and submitted a report as requested to the link below. The one pictured was dead for two days. It was in the black-with-the-white-spots stage. I have not seen any Tree of Heaven in the area.
Please report the sighting and location of these using this link. This helps the Delaware Department of Agriculture track the path of their movement and plan for spraying and other action.
They do jump at this and the previous stage which makes them harder to treat by spraying.
Important management info is at this link.
Of key concern is to figure out if you have any Tree of Heaven on or near your property as this is the favored host plant.
For more info see this Delmarva Life video and the Delaware Invasive Species Council website.
Photos courtesy David Koster, Portraits in the Sand
Thinking about buying or selling? Please click here ...
Peter Rosenstein came to CAMP Rehoboth this past Thursday to discuss his life which is captured in his biography, Born This Gay: My Life of Activism, Politics, Travel, and Coming Out. He was interviewed by Kevin Naff, editor of the Washington Blade.
Naff describes him as a prolific writer. In addition to this book and his weekly column in the Washington Blade, Rosenstein writes for the Georgetown Dish, among other outlets. "So he is tireless, prolific, and everybody in D.C. knows him. He is a longtime D.C. insider and politico and in addition to his many years in Washington, he's been a property owner here at Rehoboth Beach for many years," Naff pointed out.
Rosenstein describes the book as a "fun story about someone who did not grow up rich, but ended up living a very rich and diverse life." He grew up in New York City but did not "come out" until he was 34 when he moved to Washington, D.C.
The book covers his extensive career, but also his coming out story. "I've traveled the country, I've traveled the world, and I've lived an amazing life," Rosenstein explains. "I consider myself very fortunate to have done so."
He first came to Rehoboth Beach in 1984 and this was the first place he came to where people didn't know him, other than being a gay man. "It was the first city I came to where they knew I was gay," he points out. "I was open when I got here, so no other place that I'd gone to had it been like that. It was very exciting for me to come to a place where I no longer had to hide or I could just be myself, who I was. And I've now had a place here for 26 years," he added.
He is still a full-time D.C. resident but regularly escapes to Rehoboth. He was one of those who worked with Murray Archibald and Steve Elkins when they first thought of starting CAMP Rehoboth and he supported them once they did.
Rosenstein recounts his experiences in New York City and Washington, D.C., sharing fascinating insights that still are not common knowledge. He taught fourth and sixth graders in Harlem after he graduated college. Then he went to work for Congresswoman Bella Abzug in New York and eventually became coordinator of local government for the City of New York under Mayor Abraham Beame.
He moved to Washington to work for the Carter administration in 1978, and never returned to New York! After he left the Carter administration, he ran healthcare and education nonprofits for 35 years.
Rosenstein has had a life of working for people. He worked for civil rights which is how he ended up talking to and meeting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He worked for women's rights for Rep. Abzug and transitioned to disability rights when working for the Carter administration. When he finally came out, he became an LGBTQ rights activist. "That's sort of been my life as a volunteer, and I found places I could work that sort of coordinated with that. That helped us grow," he added.
Here is Naff's discussion with Rosenstein at CAMP Rehoboth.
Rosenstein's book is available at Browseabout Books, Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
A lecture by Paul Lovett at the Rehoboth Beach
During the 1880s, wealthy industrialists from Wilmington, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia built 'cottages' on Rehoboth's boardwalk. Find out who they were and how they organized to take over management of Rehoboth in 1891. They renamed it 'Cape Henlopen City' and brought order to what would otherwise have been a Wild West railroad town.
Looking North
Looking South
To register for Thursday's lecture, visit the RBM's website.
"Untitled" by Richard Tananis ...
Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile Comes to Lewes by David Koster (Portraitsinthesand.com)
6 Bucks in Rehoboth's Central Park by Alan Henney ...
Photography contests: Delaware Beach Life, Rehoboth Reflections, Ocean Photo, Delaware Farm Bureau
THE MERR REPORT--- Suzanne Thurman from the MERR Institute says her organization had investigated the dead dolphin that had floated in and out between Dewey and Rehoboth the previous Sunday. MERR also had a young seal that was found resting at South Bowers on Saturday. That was unusual for this time of year, but she says "I suspect that some of these seals that are born here don't know to head north, so they stick around all summer." The next MERR fundraiser sunset dolphin tour is set for August 11.
BIDEN RETURNS VIA MOTORCADE TO D.C.--- For reasons unknown, President Joe Biden left town last Tuesday via a motorcade despite weather that was adequate for helicopters. Farmers' market customers got a good view as the 20-vehicle motorcade drove by Grove Park just before 1 p.m.
BICYCLISTS COLLIDE ON BREAKWATER TRAIL--- A 74-year-old male bicyclist was injured when he collided with another bicyclist on the Breakwater Trail near Holland Glade Road around 1 p.m. Sunday. He was described as disoriented once he became responsive and was taken to the hospital.
POLICE INVESTIGATE MISSING/STOLEN WHEELCHAIR--- Rehoboth Beach police received a report of a missing or stolen wheelchair taken from Christian Street sometime on Sunday. No word yet from police on circumstances. It was reported around 1 p.m.
FIREFIGHTERS CALLED TO RESCUE DOG--- Rehoboth Beach firefighters were called to rescue a dog that had gotten wedged in a bulkhead of a canal-front home on Bayview Road in Bay Vista. It was reported around 2:40 p.m. Saturday.
GIRL ALLEGEDLY GROPED ON DELAWARE AVENUE AT BOARDWALK--- A teen girl was allegedly groped by a man on Delaware Avenue at the boardwalk. She reported it to Rehoboth Beach police around 9 p.m. this past Saturday. He was last seen headed west on Delaware Avenue. No word yet from the police on this case.
MAN CAUGHT STEALING PARTS OFF BIKES IN DOWNTOWN REHOBOTH--- Police caught a man wearing a Covid mask after receiving reports that he was removing parts from bicycle wheels around 9:15 a.m. this past Wednesday. He allegedly tampered with a bunch of bikes at various locations in downtown Rehoboth that morning. Details are on the RBPD Facebook page.
MAN FOUND DEAD IN O.C. POOL --- A man was found floating face-down in a condo pool just before 11 a.m. this past Sunday on the ocean side of 90th Street. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead at the scene. No word yet from the police on the circumstances.
Automatically move Gmail messages from Promotions to Primary tab
Nantucket turbine failure spurs local reaction
Sussex GOP: Deny US Wind request for substation
32 best US dog beaches (Dewey and Assateague make list)
Police investigate Lincoln shooting
Shots fired at a Lincoln residence
Police: Ellendale man stabs child
Millsboro boy charged in fatal Ellendale shooting
Police investigate homicide outside Milton
Artesian presents plans for Chandler Street facility in Milton
Milton ad hoc committee hears from affordable housing developers
Old Baltimore fire boat, circa 1960, sunk at Delaware's artificial reef
Two vintage vessels added to Delaware Reef Site 11
Two kids flown to trauma center after crash on Coastal Highway at Minos Conaway Road near Lewes
Sussex P&Z reopens public record on Northstar near Lewes
Crooked Hammock's shark party brings summer vibes to Lewes
Radar finds no trace of Lewes beach pavilion
European judges tour Lewes in Bloom gardens
Beebe named top regional hospital in Del. by U.S. News & World Report
Beebe Structural Heart Team completes milestone procedure
Cape Henlopen State Park community workshop to be held July 31
Inside Biden's secluded beach house where he finally decided to call time on campaign
Rehoboth Beach prepares for paving of Rehoboth Avenue
Rehoboth expecting $2.7 million surplus on last year's budget
Foodie Friday team visits The Purple Parrot in Rehoboth
Foodie Friday team visits Shorebreak Lodge in Rehoboth
Rehoboth 5K a golden opportunity for military monument
Judge sends 330 Rehoboth Ave. rezoning denial back to city
Uncle David's Ice Cream celebrates opening with ribbon cutting
Rehoboth Beach News: Lines in the Sand
Rehoboth Beach budget and finance update
'Room Enough' Rehoboth history author to appear August 2
Awning approved for former Carlton's building in Rehoboth
RAL: Annual Outdoor Fine Art and Fine Craft Show, August 3-4 and 10-11
Rehoboth Beach VFC places 5th ambulance in service with red, white and blue color scheme
Family beach trip to Dewey Beach and Rehoboth Beach on YouTube
4K drone tour: Dewey Beach at night with DJI Mini 4 Pro
Dewey Beach: Where adventure meets relaxation
Dewey seeks to enhance pedestrian safety by lowering crossing beacons and extended barriers
Stormwater management, head-in parking requirements set in Dewey
Dewey Beach lifesaving station faces new, historic future
Evan Burris wins DBP Rookie of the Year
O'Donnells claim top prize at Dewey canoe races
Lithium ion battery fire off Tower Road, Bayside
Clubhouse at Baywood named Best Wedding Venue
Sussex council removes building size restriction for Nanticoke cultural center
Water taxi gets approval from marina to Paradise
Beebe Healthcare ER nurse honored by Millsboro police
Bethany council bids adieu to Frye
Bethany approves signage, talks shuttles
Rush throws his hat into Bethany council race
Yuppy Puppy is a canine fashion boutique and Bethany institution
Dagsboro mulling fewer hours to serve alcohol
Dredging slated through next week in Ocean City inlet
DeLuca, Leukel join Yates in fall Ocean City council race
PHOTOS: OCFD Fire Station 3 construction tour and fundraiser
Ocean City native ready to show off skateboarding skills at Summer Olympics
Drunk D.C. man gets rowdy on O.C. boardwalk; Bishopville man busted for shoplifting
Ocean City Police team up with local business to distribute bicycle lights to J-1 students
White Marlin Open 2024: Everything you need to know about Ocean City's big tournament
PHOTOS: Chincoteague Pony Swim '24
Relive magic of Pony Swim 2024 with this huge photo gallery
New Queen Neptune crowned at Chincoteague Pony Swim 2024
Chincoteague Pony Auction 2024: Watch along live as big dreams come true
Chincoteague Pony Auction 2024 sets two huge new records. Find out all about it.
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