Wed, Aug 14, 12:17 PM
Save Our Lakes Alliance 3 (SOLA3) comments on Silver Lake fountains:
The fountains, or mini geysers, do little to improve water quality at Silver Lake. Their cost of $30,000 could have been spent on more effective projects that would actually improve the water quality of the lake. A better alternative would have been to get the required DNREC permits to install an aerator system for part of the 45 acre lake,with shallow areas given priority because they are more vulnerable to fish kills (such as the stagnant west end of the lake). Rehoboth Beach's Comprehensive Development plan endorses and recommends the use of aerator systems for the lakes because they add vital oxygen to the water to prevent algae and bacteria growth, break down decaying matter in the lake bed, eliminate mosquito breeding, resulting in fewer fish kills. This system was installed as part of the Lake Gerar restoration (that SOLA3 initiated) in 2005. The water quality has improved and there have been no fish kills since.
$30K could also have been dedicated to partially fund the long-delayed improvements for the west end of Lake Gerar, that has deteriorated since 2005 as the result of solids and contaminants flowing from a large storm drain. $30K could also pay for several stormceptors/filters on this and other storm drains that flow into the lakes to mitigate pollution.
A consequence of not addressing water quality is likely to result in a costly clean up from a fish kill as the lakes' water continues to warm. And, whether it's a fountain or an aerator system, solar power is highly desirable to reduce the environmental imprint and offers great savings over electric powered systems, which was the choice for the fountains.
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